Hey 2023, Happy to See You!


We are well into January and even though nothing is dramatically different from last year, I feel a sense of excitement welcoming in a new year. I’m not big on resolutions, but I do believe in setting goals and this year is no different. The last few years have been a complete blur. We welcomed our third boy to the family, like everyone else we were still navigating the pandemic (childcare was a huge struggle and stress), we were still navigating life given the loss we experienced in our family in 2021 and we moved. Working full-time and trying to balance life, friendships, relationships, motherhood and everything else felt heavy at times. I certainly don’t have it all figured out and most days are still pretty chaotic, but I feel like this is the year I can start to come up for air. As part of that, there are a few things I want to focus on that will have a meaningful impact on me, but also family and how I show up for them everyday. My priorities are to organized and take inventory of everything that comes into our home, moving my body more in an intentional way and not just because I have a very busy and active toddler, and lastly finding more time for the things I love and miss. Sharing a little more about how I’m going to tackle and prioritize these goals below.

Get Organized

We moved over a year ago and at the time we had a newborn and our boys were 6 and 4. That made for a crazy transition and while the house is feeling more and more like a home, we still have a garage full of boxes and a basement catch-all that I’m dying to tackle. Long decluttering sessions are not a reality for me right now, but creating weekly mini goals and dedicating even 15 minutes each day I know will add up to a progress. Shira Gill and Holly Blakey of Breathing Room Organization are two of my favorites to follow. They have such an approachable way to organizing and they have created a harmony in their homes that feels warm and visually appealing - I’m striving for that balance in our home. Do you have any home organization goals or projects this year?

Move Daily

Last year I found that I was barely hitting 5K steps during the week. The weekends were a little easier, but still my overall activity level was less than optimal. This year I’m committed to moving daily. It’s important to my overall mood and well-being. I’ve spend too much time sitting at a desk and behind a screen and it’s important for me to find ways to be outdoors and move my body more. I also need to stop making excuses and schedule the time and prioritize it. I’m trying to wake-up a little early each day, but I’m not there yet. I’m currently attending a Heroes class one per week. It’s intense and I love it, but I need to be more consistent and find time for mini workouts throughout the day. How do you stay motivated to workout?

Be Creative

I’ve missed hosting floral arranging classes, photography, attending events and being social. Social media has change A LOT over the last few years and even the world of blogging has shifted dramatically. While I feel like I missed an opportunity to make more of this space, life happened and it happened the way it should. I can’t go back and change things, but I do want invest more time into creating more of this little space. I’m not setting any crazy goals but I am going to be committed to posting, sending a newsletter with weekly highlights of my week and finding ways to connect with others - which is what I miss most. If your are struggling with the same thing, here are a few ideas to help you learn your way to a new hobby. What fills your cup?




Alice’s Table

Overall, I’m really looking forward to 2023. Not because things will dramatically change, but rather I want to be intentional with how I spend my time and thoughtful about how I approach my day. I know it won’t be perfect at times, but I’m excited to make some changes this year that will help me, my family and my personal relationships in a positive way.

Cheers to a new year and what’s to come!